Welcome to Class Two!
Class Two is a hard working and friendly team taught by Mrs Porter and supported by Mrs Long and Miss Watkins.
We are a mix of Year 2, 3 and 4 children who all have a passion for learning new skills and gaining new knowledge.
PE days are on a Monday and a Friday. Please remember to come to school in PE kit on these days. Our PE units change each half term which gives us lots of variety and exercise!
Reading books will also be changed every Monday. We have an exciting range of both fiction and non-fiction to choose from in our class library, for children to take home, read and enjoy.
Weekly homework to support the learning taking place in the classroom:
- 10-15 minutes daily reading- please record all reading in your reading diaries. This may include free choice books you share together at home, as well as school reading books. Reading books and reading diaries should be in school on a daily basis.
- Practise weekly spellings on paper and on Spelling Shed. Spellings will be recorded in reading diaries every Monday and tested every Friday.
- Practise multiplication tables using TTRS. Just three minutes every night using this programme will see your child make progress in their rapid recall of times table facts.
There may also be additional homework which may be sent home occasionally. This may take the form of a research project or investigation or your child may also receive homework linked to Maths and English if they need extra practise.
For more information about our class, please look at the rest of our page or keep up to date by reading our class blogs and on Class Dojo!
Homework Guidance
We use the White Rose scheme to teach maths in class 2, there are different units that change every few weeks. The scheme is an excellent way for the children to learn as each unit is broken down into small steps and the progress is rapid. Each unit has a pre and post assessment so the learning for each child is tracked. There are also lots of reasoning and problem solving questions for the children to dive deeper into and we use practical equipment to help us learn where we can.
Class 2 RE Knowledge organisers
RE- Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers
Knowledge Organisers
Class 2 PSHE knowledge organisers
A Parents' Guide to Oracy at Home
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