15 September 2023

Image of What a wonderful first whole week in Class 1!

We spent our first whole week together following our new class routines, timetable and continuing to explore our new learning environment inside and outside.

Our morning routine of settling in and warming up to learning consists of a self register, book vote and for Y1 tricky word practice. I love to read those morning sentences! It's also a chance for Miss Watkins and I to catch up with our focus readers.

At 9am we have our worship, Class 1 have been fantastic at showing respect and understanding of what is expected during our whole school assembly. It was lovely to hear their singing voices this week during our first hymn practice. I think the children also enjoyed our first bible meditation - it was a very calm start to our learning on Thursday!

It has been great seeing the Reception children working so well with our Maths resources, we looked at number recognition, sorting and ordering numbers this week. Y1 are well into our new unit on place value making use of our new white rose workbooks to demonstrate their understanding - I was really impressed with their reasoning skills today.

Breaktime is another opportunity for learning and the children have all taken part in our snack station - selecting the correct coins for each snack. It's great to see such healthy choices being made, we have had apples, satsumas, tomatos, carrots and pears this week - yummy!

We go straight into our Little Wandle phonics after break, I have seen some great letter formation from the Reception children who have been working very hard in their first week of phonics. Y1's have been reviewing phase 3 phonemes this week and are super spellers!

Our English text is the traditional tale Little Red Riding Hood, the Reception children loved retelling the story using finger puppets they had made. Y1 have been working on their sentence structure, predictions and exclamations - we had lots to say about the Big bad Wolf! We even had a picnic basket full of treats that Little Red delivered to her Grandma....or so she thought!

The children had their PE lessons with SH Active this week, Gymnastics and Dance. We have also started on our Music, RE, Geography, Science, PSHE and DT topics so a very busy first full week.

I want to say how very proud I am of all of Class 1, their efforts and enthusiasm this week have been wonderful to see. Thank you to everyone who has shared your 'Let your light shine' awards and certificates, it's so lovely to hear what they get up to outside of Class 1!

Little Wandle resources for parents

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